Are all the Providers in The Child Care Square's database state licensed?
Yes! Before uploading any Provider to our database it is confirmed with their respective state agency that they are licensed and in good standing.
Do the State Licensing Agencies do background checks on the providers?
Each state maintains its' own policy regarding background checks. However, as a rule, fingerprint clearances are required of all family child care homes as well as all child care personnel including business owner(s) and/or administrator(s) as well as teachers and teacher's aides, kitchen and housekeeping staff and any volunteers. Prior to receiving their license or being granted permission to work in a facility, would-be providers are fingerprinted. Their fingerprints are then checked against state and federal [FBI] criminal databases.

Any felonies involving abuse or harm to another person would prevent a prospective provider or staff member from being permitted to work with children. In some states, even non-abuse or harm related misdemeanor offences must be disclosed to parents. Further, child care staff must be at least 18 to work in a child care facility. This requirement insures that if there is an arrest record it will show up on the respective databases and be revealed by the fingerprinting process.

To learn more about your individual state's background investigations and finger-printing requirements please visit our State Child Care Licensing Agencies page. There you can obtain the website address and additional contact information for your specific state's Child Care Licensing Agency.
Will every child care Provider in my neighborhood now have all my contact information?
Every provider within a 5-mile radius of your specified address will receive an e-mail generated by your care request. However, the initial e-mail will only contains very basic non-identifying information. This first e-mail will include your child's birthdate, required schedule, and any comments submitted in the comhments box only. From the initial e-mail, a provider must indicate they have an opening. Only then, will a second e-mail be generated providing your name, phone number and e-mail address only. Addresses are never shared with the provider by our system. For further assurance please see our Privacy Policy.
Why does the system have a default of a 5-mile radius?
In a metropolitan or suburban area, whether a parent uses their home, work or alternative address, 5 miles is about the farthest away a parent wants to travel for drop offs, pick-ups and/or illness or injury emergencies. Further, by defaulting to a 5-miles radius, a parent is given several choices of facilities without the list becoming too long insuring parents will not be contacted by too many providers all at once. Our system is best suited for more densely populated areas as opposed to a rural setting. Therefore it is important to carefully consider your designated address when filling in the care request form.
What if I'm not contacted by any providers?
As a rule, you should hear from providers who have space available for your child right away. Yet, in the event of slow response, please allow a full 72 hours to be contacted. In our Terms of Use with the providers, we request they make every effort to contact parents within 72 hours of receiving a care request. However, over weekends, in times of staffing shortages, vacations or other time challenges there may be a delay in response time. After 4 or 5 days, if you have not been contacted by any providers you are welcome to submit another care request with slightly different care criteria or adjust the address by a couple of miles.
What comes in the Provider Comparison ToolKit?
The Provider Comparison ToolKit includes an in-depth 20 question Telephone Interview Questionnaire Worksheet along with a companion Provider Comparison Excel Spreadsheet to help track and organize all the information collected from providers. The ToolKit also includes a comprehensive 45 question Facility Tour Questionnaire for parents to bring along as they are touring prospective providers' facilities. And finally, the ToolKit includes an information sheet about Your Child's First Week in child care.

Immediately upon submission of your care request, our system will automatically e-mail you the ToolKit to help support and guide your enrollment process.
How long will my care request stay active in the system?
After your initial care request has been submitted, you will receive a weekly follow up e-mail asking for a status update. Once you have enrolled your child with a provider, please indicate so on the next follow up e-mail. Your care request will be deleted from the system at that time and you will no longer be contacted by prospective providers. All care requests are automatically deleted after 60 days. After which, you are free to submit another request if you have not secured child care.
How do I know what to look for in a provider/program?
There are a wide variety of programs types to choose from. From very small in-home care providers to very large center-based care as well as very structured academic programs to play-based programs and everything in-between. To outline many of the options available we offer detailed descriptions of many of the features, choices and items to consider on our Establish Your Priorities page.

However, the most important gauge to follow are your instincts. If it doesn't feel right - it's not the right program for your family.
How can I check out a facility to make sure it's a good one?
We offer recommendations to parents on how to research child care facilities on our Doing Your Research page.
What if my child has special needs?
On the "Submit Your Care Request" page there is a "Comments" box which is available for you to indicate anything that you would like the provider to know in advance.
My child has a severe food allergy. How can a Provider accommodate for the allergy?
Food allergies are quite common. Many providers have policies and practices in place to accommodate for food allergies. However, it is advisable to indicate any allergy in the "Comments" box on the "Submit Your Care Request" page. Please also discuss the food allergy policy with each provider during your initial telephone interview.
What happens if my child gets sick or injured while at child care?
Should your child become ill or suffer an injury while at child care, your child care provider will notify you immediately. In the event you cannot be reached, the provider will contact any and all additional contacts you have indicated in your child's file. If a serious injury occurs, most state licensing regulations requires 911 to be called in addition to the child's parents. Please also discuss the illness/injury policy with each provider during your facility tour.
What if my child needs to take medication or is already on a medication that must be taken continually?
Providers are not permitted to administer medication without parental consent. To accommodate for children who need regular medication or the occasional cough, cold or short term use prescription medications the provider will have a consent form for you to fill out with administration instructions and a place for you to sign giving consent. Please also discuss the medication policy with each provider during your facility tour.
My child is diabetic. Can a provider accommodate for a child with diabetes?
It would be best to indicate this in the "Comments" box on the "Submit Your Care Request" page. Providers who are able to accommodate children with diabetes will contact you and you can discuss your situation in detail at that time.
My child is a very picky eater. What if my child won't eat the food at child care?
Typically, children are very interested in what the other children are doing and eating and want to follow along with the group. As a result, picky eater are very often willing to try and enjoy new foods when they see other children eating those foods. Please also discuss your child's eating habits with each provider during your telephone interview and/or facility tour.
My child does not like to take naps. Will my child have to take a nap or can I request he/she be allowed to play quietly while the rest of the children nap?
State licensing requires full day programs provide a rest period for children who attend the program all day. State licensing also requires all children to be supervised at all times. Accordingly, your child would not be permitted to be in another room or area away from the rest of the group unsupervised.

Furthermore, a day at child care is very eventful and requires much more energy than a day at home. Thus, it is very important for a young child's well-being, health and development to have a rest period during the day.

Moreover, naptime is a different experience in child care than at home. Providers understand how important it is for the children to have rest. Therefore, the environment is very conducive to relaxation with darkened rooms, soft music, blankets and stuffed animals from home. Often providers will also sit with the children and rub their backs to support quiet rest and falling asleep. Of course, sleep is not required but having a rest period is not only state required but highly recommended. Please also discuss the naptime policy with each provider during your telephone interview and/or facility tour.
My child has an extreme case of separation anxiety. How will the provider handle my child when he/she is very emotional?
Separation anxiety is very, very common, especially when a child first begins a program. Child care providers are exceptionally experienced and skilled at helping children through separation anxiety. Generally, a provider will hold or sit with your child until they are ready to join the rest of the group. Fortunately, this usually only take a few minutes. A quick phone call to the provider to check on your child can do wonders. Please also discuss the drop off routine with each provider during your facility tour.
What are Internet viewing charges?
Some providers have installed surveillance type cameras in their facilities linked to the Internet. Via Internet connection or smartphone app, parents can log-on to watch their children during the day. Often providers charge an extra fee for this service.
Who illustrated the graphics for the website?
Our illustrator is Corey Wolfe. Corey can be reached at www.CoreyWolfe.com.

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