When searching for child care, it is commonly recommended to ask for references from past and present families who have attended the program. Therefore, of course, ask for references. However, while it seems logical to check references, this request presents something of a challenge for the provider.
First, a provider is not permitted to give out client contact information without prior permission. For that reason, any references you receive will be hand-picked with prior permission granted to share their contact information.
Secondly, being on a list of references could prove to be a time burden for those references. If the providers repeatedly gives out the same few parents' contact information, those parents may be inconvenienced by spending excessive time talking to inquisitive prospective parents.
As you can see, supplying references to perspective families is problematic for providers. Another option might be to plan a late afternoon visit to the facility during pick-up time and chat with a few of the current parents while they are there retrieving their children.
Providers will handle the request for references according to their program. Thus, it is best to discuss the possibility of references with each provider.